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Saturday, May 14, 2011

Well, the first thing I would like to say is, that the Indian Rupee could use a lot of improvement. It has the monotonous Gandhi image on each note, and it also looks as if the note has come from the 1800s or something. It should have modern touches, since there is a beginning of a new era, and it should also have different personalities on each note such as Tagore, CV Raman, etc. But if they are so fond of Gandhi's picture on the note, they could put it it on the highest (1000 Rupee) note as a mark of respect.  They should look at other notes of the world and take their example. Anyway, is any one listening...? Hello?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Amay! i agree with you - though no disrespect to Gandhi who is the father of our nation - why should we only have Gandhi on every note. Your suggestion to have a "series" for Indian notes is very good. Perhaps this is what the RBI might be thinking with the new note design?

    Here is something that you would like on the Indian Currency:

    Happy blogging!
